I am elated to announce that the Kindle Edition of The Weather Inside Book I is finally available on Amazon for only $4.99 ! Creating an electronic edition is a huge step in the process of publishing these days, so I am relieved to have accomplished it at last.
In other news, I have reentered an intense illustrating mode and have begun working on several new coloured pencil pieces. I spent the past few months purely immersed in the writing and storytelling mode--as Book II demanded my complete and undivided attention--but now that it's well on its way to completion, I feet more than ready than ever to jump into my art again. My new illustrations will be very Book II-focused and highly conceptual in nature. As usual, I am always exploring my unconscious to find new and intriguing ways to express the mystifying essences of the archetypes that fascinate me. I will post some of my new sketches here--I'm extremely excited to see them come to life.
This journey continues to be an unrelenting struggle--but of course it is. Spiritually, I find myself increasingly in tune with my path and open to the strength and vulnerability necessary to achieve my bliss. I learn new things everyday about the universe within me and without me, and by this I am infinitely humble and wonder-struck. Childlike wonder, adult wisdom and overall patience is key.
The first sketch for a series of three symbolic and psychologically disquieting illustrations I'm working on. The coloured version of this one is almost complete! The other two are below.
Although this illustration follows a similar theme as the other three, I consider it a separate concept. Gah...I realise now that I drew LInkaiah's head too all, haha--but that will certainly be fixed in the coloured version! I often make silly mistakes like that in my sketches..
There are plenty more sketches and ideas where these came from, but I'm going to be focusing primarily on this bunch for now. I will post the coloured illustrations when they're complete!