My new coloured pencil piece, 'Mercurial Muse' is finished and will be on display in downtown Grand Rapids on Friday, April 10th from 6-11 PM! It will be showcased in The Art of Yoga (located at 315 S. Division), curated by the lovely Emily Veldman. I will also be selling copies of my book and other goodies. So come stop by to see some awesome art and live Kirtan music!!! :D
Artist’s Statement
As an avid researcher of all things esoteric, I have become well acquainted with the ancient Alchemical axiom: ‘As Above, So Below.’ Not only has this mystical concept emerged from my unconscious and seeped into almost all of my work, it has become a potent phrase to live by. The merging, balance and dance of the opposites is at the core of all mythology, and is perhaps most recognizably depicted in the symbol of the yin-yang. The complex ways in which the conception of yin-yang can manifest through images and words are nearly limitless, and ‘Mercurial Muse’ is simply one example. In this particular piece, I wanted to use yoga as a way to symbolize the bridging of the gap between the physical body and the psyche. I am deeply inspired by the works of Swiss Psychologist Carl Jung; and my interpretation of the discoveries he made in regards to the collective human unconscious often appear in my work. In Jungian terms, the anima is the inner woman of a man and the animus is the inner man of a woman. Here, I have attempted to capture a woman’s experience of spiritual elevation through yoga and meditation, wherein the depths of her introspection she has glimpsed the vast and numinous power of her animus who cradles her both tenderly and forebodingly.
I may have had a certain someone pose for me...hahaha. I'm not used to ACTUALLY having a live model for Alastair. It's incredibly helpful! I love you baby! <3
A flashback to the early stages...:)